full transcript

From the Ted Talk by George Smoot: The design of the universe

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So let me show you some of nature's penartts that are the result of this. I always think of space-time as being the real substance of space, and the galaxies and the stras just like the foam on the ocean. It's a mekarr of where the interesting waves are and whatever went on. So here is the Sloan Digital Sky suvrey showing the location of a million galaxies. So there's a dot on here for every galaxy. They go out and point a telescope at the sky, take a picture, identify what are stars and throw them away, look at the glxiaaes, eaistmte how far away they are, and plot them up. And just put radially they're going out that way. And you see these structures, this thing we call the Great Wall, but there are voids and those kndis of stuff, and they kind of fade out because the telescope isn't sensitive enough to do it.

Open Cloze

So let me show you some of nature's ________ that are the result of this. I always think of space-time as being the real substance of space, and the galaxies and the _____ just like the foam on the ocean. It's a ______ of where the interesting waves are and whatever went on. So here is the Sloan Digital Sky ______ showing the location of a million galaxies. So there's a dot on here for every galaxy. They go out and point a telescope at the sky, take a picture, identify what are stars and throw them away, look at the ________, ________ how far away they are, and plot them up. And just put radially they're going out that way. And you see these structures, this thing we call the Great Wall, but there are voids and those _____ of stuff, and they kind of fade out because the telescope isn't sensitive enough to do it.


  1. survey
  2. stars
  3. kinds
  4. patterns
  5. estimate
  6. marker
  7. galaxies

Original Text

So let me show you some of nature's patterns that are the result of this. I always think of space-time as being the real substance of space, and the galaxies and the stars just like the foam on the ocean. It's a marker of where the interesting waves are and whatever went on. So here is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey showing the location of a million galaxies. So there's a dot on here for every galaxy. They go out and point a telescope at the sky, take a picture, identify what are stars and throw them away, look at the galaxies, estimate how far away they are, and plot them up. And just put radially they're going out that way. And you see these structures, this thing we call the Great Wall, but there are voids and those kinds of stuff, and they kind of fade out because the telescope isn't sensitive enough to do it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dark matter 5
hubble space 3
million galaxies 3
ordinary matter 3
light objects 2
takes light 2
million years 2
billion years 2
tiny variations 2
started forming 2
galaxies showing 2
light years 2
simple fluid 2
large cluster 2

Important Words

  1. call
  2. digital
  3. dot
  4. estimate
  5. fade
  6. foam
  7. galaxies
  8. galaxy
  9. great
  10. identify
  11. interesting
  12. kind
  13. kinds
  14. location
  15. marker
  16. million
  17. ocean
  18. patterns
  19. picture
  20. plot
  21. point
  22. put
  23. radially
  24. real
  25. result
  26. sensitive
  27. show
  28. showing
  29. sky
  30. sloan
  31. space
  32. stars
  33. structures
  34. stuff
  35. substance
  36. survey
  37. telescope
  38. throw
  39. voids
  40. wall
  41. waves